Meanwhile, here are some pictures from my various food indulging trips out and about.

3 months from those first words, I had a creative calling again and signed up for Holly’s course of which the requirement was to have an active blog. So I dusted and resurrected my so-called blog. In the next couple of weeks, Cookie Cutter officially took shape as I gained a more concrete idea of what I wanted it to be. Little thrills I had along the way encouraged and urged me on, not to mention the friends I made from the course. It helps to know there is a supportive creative community out there who understands the path I’m on. Not that long after, I took a step I never knew I could. I leapt. I quit my day job. It was based on nothing more than faith. I can still feel the excitement as well as fear when I penned this post.
So, I was liberated! But I’m not going to lie to you that food miraculously appeared on my plate, I continued shopping to my heart’s content etc. No, I had rocked the boat. But for once, I felt that the future’s going to be whatever I make it to be. I had to make my days count despite not seeing tangible results often. Despite contact questions like “what do you do everyday?”, “are you intending to get a proper job?”, I had to trudge on with my blogging, with my creative projects. When pressed for time, it was a struggle between these. I had to forgo some dreams in exchange for this one.
Along the way, I also discovered what is my voice. So I stop myself when I’m over-thinking the content. I attempted a few weekly columns and sometimes adopted a different writing style. I had fun and love it the most on those days when upon stringing the first sentence, I felt like the rest simply flowed out from me. I also want to let you know, lovelies, that your comments and emails mean so much! It gets me going and tells me I’m not talking to myself over here everyday.
As I mark this one year blogiversary, I celebrate what Cookie Cutter has become, the friends made here, the sweet people who have added Cookie Cutter to their blogrolls, and of course, YOU, my readers! Thank you for hanging out here! Say hi if you haven’t ever and for those who often, I look forward to even more interactions. I’m striving to make this blog what’s it’s meant to be—style and design. The future’s still a blur but I’ll just keep my eyes peeled on the part that’s clear—the dream.
Cookie Cutter is one!
[images: Small Business Trends, Amanda K Flickr]