Hi there, no, I didn’t forget about you. The reason for the erratic posting the last week was that I took an impromptu little trip over the causeway to Malaysia. The heat was getting unbearable over here and I sought some relief from the highlands. But I’m glad to be back home and back looking around the blogsphere. I spotted these gorgeous white spaces and thought I’ll share them with you. Love how the white opens up the space and the plentiful natural lighting. Makes me feel like inhaling deeply.

I caught Handmade Nation, the movie over the weekend and really enjoyed it. There were a few screenings that day and I caught the one in the afternoon. It was really inspiring listening to other crafters and gaining an idea of how a craft fair is like. The sad thing was there were like only 10 people in the room. And I know the multiplexes in town were then thronged with people catching the latest Hollywood movies. Hopefully, one day, we will have more support and appreciation of indie and handmade over here.