Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Girl In You - Depeapa

I went through a stage where I thought as a sign of maturity, I shouldn’t be caught going gaga over all things pink and cute. No time for frivolous things, I thought. It wasn’t difficult really. I just didn’t pay attention to such things and after a while, I was half convinced I’m just not the girly sort of girl. Did you undergo this stage too?

In recent years, with the changes happening, most significantly, my departure from a regular corporate job, coming to terms with my passion (doing hands on creative work), I was letting more of myself surface. Along with these, I found that I’m actually drawn to adorable cute things. And this time, I embraced it.

I think these adorable handmade accessories from Depeapa appeals to the girl in me who never grows up. For me, her illustrations conjures up images of an idyllic, simple and carefree life. Yes, a world of a difference from the corporate life I used to pursue!

[images: Depeapa]

1 comment:

  1. Something about these pieces reminds me of the Fantastic Mr. Fox. Love it!


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