Hi there, it was great to hear from some of you in the previous post! Certainly glad to know I’m not the only one guilty of loving not-so-healthy food. A lovely reader mentioned that she wanted to follow Cookie Cutter but it wasn’t obvious how to (thanks so much for highlighting that). On the right column, just after “I am *Hearting*”, you can “Place Cookie Order”. Click on the appropriate button to subscribe. I hope this helps :). If you too were wondering the same thing, click on to follow now!
For today’s post, I thought I’ll inspire us all to be more adventurous with prints and colours. As much as I hate to admit it, I think I tend to stick to safe options. But as these images demonstrate, a clash of prints done so tastefully is oh so pretty! It’s fun! And what’s life without fun? So go on, try it!

Are you like me, a little too sedated? Or have you always been bold with your decorative choices?
[images (from top): 1 Maggy Moon Interiors, 2 Vintage Heaven, 3 Jasna Janekovic, Lily of Opulence, 4 Petits Details, 5 House Dreams, 6 Craft & Creativity, Larking About]