Friday, October 16, 2009

Fairies and their Lights

When did you realise where you passion lies? I think it took me quite a while to find out mine. Or rather come to terms with the fact that I wasn’t all that into Mathematics and Science. With the realisation, I look back and discover that there were actually signs along the way (which I was often quick to overlook or dismiss).

When was the first time you happily perused an Ikea catalogue? I recall being only in elementary school then. Before that I had completely no awareness about how interiors look (completely forgiveable due to young age). But that Ikea catalogue changed everything! It opened my eyes. Of course I then bugged my parents to take me to Ikea. Back then, the Ikea store here was kind of small and cramped. It didn’t bother me one bit though. I thought it was almost as good as visiting the amusement park! It wasn’t flat showroom pictures in the catalogue pages anymore. The real furniture pieces were right before eyes! From then on, I started looking forward eagerly to the catalogues every year. That moment when I first flipped the pages of an Ikea catalogue, that was a definitive moment for me. That was an indication of my love for interior décor at a tender young age.

While the “practical” stuff in life may submerge this love of mine sometimes, it’s always there. With the connection to the blogsphere, it has been very much kept alive. Recently, I’m so fascinated with the idea of using fairy lights in interior decor. I now think it's almost a sin to only take them out in the festive seasons! Such pretty things should be displayed all year round. They look so beautiful draped over the mirror or bed. I love how they evoke a soft and warm feel. And what a nice name, isn't it? They'll like what they are called. I can almost see little glowing fairies prancing about.

It's gonna be a busy weekend for me. There's a long to-do list with items waiting to be striked off. Have a nice weekend and I'll see you next week!

[images from top, top left, clockwise: art star Tumblr, lenaah Flickr, We heart it, We heart it, We heart it, Viktor Vautheir Photo Graphic Library]


  1. I agree with you in that childhood experiences help in excavating our passions, what makes our souls glow and thrive. The same excitement that you had with the IKEA catalogue happened to me when reading poems and doing craft projects. I guess there's wisdom that come from being a child, where wonder plays an important part for us.

    Love the fairy lights, a nice touch to a bedroom I think. Have a happy and productive weekend! :)

  2. Would you be moving to your own place after you get married? I'm really excited to see what your house interior would be like, you're always so full of pretty ideas! =)

    Btw, did Melissa contact you?

  3. Oh how i adore these fairy lights! Very inspiration...i want to look for these lights too for my work space. :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend and love to you!



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