Monday, March 5, 2012

Eat Your Veg and have Fun

Hello! How was your weekend? Mine was good! Best bit was I got myself a new sewing machine!! I am so excited and am looking forward to getting acquainted with my new best friend. Oh, her name’s Chloe :)
Other than making a trip to the post office to ship an order, I spent most of my time with a book and a glass of wine. I’m trying to widen my repertoire of books. I realised that as I grow older, I’m becoming a lot more appreciative of my asian roots and our multilingual environment here. 
The bit of surfing I did yesterday led me to these ceramic plates by Boguslaw Sliwiński. I love how cute they are. If you are a parent,  think of all the fun your kid will have instead taking forever to nibble on his vegetables. 

boguslaw sliwinski

boguslaw sliwinski

boguslaw sliwinski

boguslaw sliwinski

Have a good week, folks!
[images: source]


  1. Dearest sweet sandy, congratz on your new sewing machine!! It's gonna be wonderful..i know i did when i first lay hands on my sewing machine. These plates are adorable. Awesome finds. Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!


  2. What an great idea! Although I don't understand why kids hate their vegetables. I love vegetables when I little!


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