Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nihon Ikimashio! Part 2

Ohaiyou! Welcome back! Thanks for joining me yesterday and it was so great to read in your comments that you enjoyed the trip! Shall we continue with our journey?

I had a restful night and slept in till about 9am. Midori and I set out for brunch soon after. Although we are officially into summer in Japan, the morning drizzle had introduced some cool air. As we strolled leisurely down the sidewalk, I took in the familiar sights—combinis, Japanese fast food chains, 100yen shops… I WAS in Japan!

I soon found myself in a peaceful backlane in Nakameguro. The river runs on my left and it was lined with Sakura trees. The café we were heading to, HUIT, for our brunch was right there. I couldn’t think of a better place!

You know the thrill you get when you push open a door with anticipation of finding out what’s behind it? I felt just that. The interior certainly didn’t disappoint. The wooden furniture and vintage decorative pieces lit with a string of light was awfully charming! As I wrapped my fingers round my warm cup of tea, I looked out of the window and imagined how beautiful it must be when the Sakuras are in bloom.

After attending to some matters in the day, I made my way back to the apato alone that night. Call me crazy but I was so excited to pick up an obento from the nearby supermarket. I loved doing that when I was residing in Japan 3 years ago. The choices were endless so I always took a while to make my decision. It didn’t help that the food always looked so good! Well, it was no different this time. So it was obento with Japanese TV variety shows for me that night. Perfect.

I had told Midori before that I wanted to visit the world renowned Tsukiji Fish Market. The arrangement was for us to wake up at 4am the next day and get there early to catch the fish auction and of course have some oishii breakfast after that. That night, minutes after I told Midori “oyasumi”, I asked, “If we go just for breakfast, what time do we get out of bed?”. The choice was between 4am and 6am. That was 2 more solid hours of sleep! My laziness got the better of me. I decided we’ll just head there for breakfast. Afterall, that’s what’s more important, isn't it?

Join me tomorrow on our trip?

[click on images to enlarge]

[all images from Cookie Cutter, except for last image: Bliss]


  1. oh i am so jelaous! japan is #1 on my places to travel list. love the picturres and glad you're having such a nice time!

  2. Gosh, thinking of the breakfast I had at Tsukiji Fish Market makes me drool! I had without doubt the best ebi prawn ever over there!

  3. Love the pictures! :)

  4. Looks like you had a great time with your friend!! The bento box looks delicious!!! I love Japanese food! Always... oxox


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